Use of Electronic Resources Policy

Approved September 20, 2022

The Use of Electronic Resources Policy set forth below will be displayed when a patron connects to the Greenwich Library wireless network and must be agreed to by a patron before gaining access to the network.

For definitions and other information relevant to understanding Library Policies, please see Introduction to Library Policies.

The Library offers its users the opportunity to access the Internet and other electronic resources.  Any use of the Library’s computers, printers, wireless devices, Internet connections, wireless network, and other Library electronic resources such as its databases, website, and online catalog (the Library’s “Electronic Resources”) is governed by this Policy.  By using the Library’s Electronic Resources, users are deemed to have agreed to this Policy.  Users use the Library’s Electronic Resources at their own risk.  The Library disclaims all liability for losses or damages of any kind which may result directly or indirectly from such use.


Security and Confidentiality of User Information


The Library has adopted the Privacy & Confidentiality of Library Records Policy and collects, uses, and shares information regarding use of the Library’s Electronic Resources in accordance with such Policy.  As noted in such Policy, users are cautioned that the Library’s Electronic Resources may not be secure and that any information entered into, or sent or received by or through, the Library’s Electronic Resources could be intercepted or viewed by third parties and/or lost.  Furthermore, because the Library’s Electronic Resources are typically used in public areas of the Library, what is displayed on a screen or sent to a printer should not be assumed to be confidential.


Information Accessed Through the Library’s Electronic Resources


The Internet offers global access to information.  Some information accessed through the Internet may not be current, accurate or complete, and some material may be considered offensive or inappropriate.  In choosing sources to link to from its website, the Library follows its Collection Development Policy.  The Library does not monitor, has no control over, and does not guarantee the accuracy or propriety of any information that a user may access through the Library’s Electronic Resources.  Accordingly, the Library assumes no responsibility for any information accessed by a user through the Library’s Electronic Resources.


Parents, guardians or other responsible caregivers of minor children are responsible at all times for the use of the Library’s Electronic Resources by such minors; monitoring and supervising such use; and determining and regulating what information and materials are appropriate for such minors to access via the Library’s Electronic Resources.  The Library does not monitor, supervise or regulate the use of the Library’s Electronic Resources by minors. The Library offers filtered Internet access on computers in the Children’s Room at the Main Library and the Children’s Area at the Byram Shubert Branch Library and on a designated computer at the Cos Cob Branch Library.  The Library cannot and does not guarantee that the filtering software installed on such computers will block all material that could be considered inappropriate or harmful to minors, and the Library cannot and does not guarantee that such software will not restrict access to web sites that have legitimate educational, research or other value.


Acceptable Use of the Library’s Electronic Resources


All users must use the Library’s Electronic Resources consistent with this Policy and any rules and procedures or that are posted or displayed on Library premises.


Users of the Library’s Electronic Resources must not:


  • Use the Library’s Electronic Resources for any activity or purpose in violation of applicable Federal, state, or local laws, including without limitation laws governing the transmission and dissemination of information while accessing the Internet, and intellectual property laws (such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws).
  • Damage, alter or attempt to damage or alter the settings, configuration, condition, or location of the Library’s Electronic Resources.
  • Use the Library’s Electronic Resources intentionally, knowingly or recklessly to spread computer viruses or other malware, or to make unauthorized entry into other computational, informational, or communications services or resources.
  • Use the Library’s Electronic Resources to create, display, or transmit threatening, harassing, defamatory, violent, obscene, abusive or other offensive language or images.
  • Invade the privacy of others.
  • Engage in any activity that prevents others from using the Library’s Electronic Resources in a responsible manner.


Additional Rules and Procedures Governing Use of the Library’s Electronic Resources


  • The Library’s Electronic Resources are available to users on a first-come, first-served ba
  • The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time an individual may use Library Electronic Resources.
  • The Library may set limits, for example, on use of large files of still or moving images or sound, or on downloading files in any medium.
  • Only Library-provided software may be used on the Library’s devices. Software owned or supplied by others may not be installed or used on Library devices.
  • Users may not save their data on any Library device and must supply their own storage medium. The Library currently offers flash drives for sale at the Welcome Center of the Main Library (although available inventory at any particular time cannot be guaranteed).
  • Users accessing the Library’s Electronic Resources through or on their own devices should use a surge protector and install up-to-date virus protection. The Library is not responsible for any damage caused to the hardware or software of a user’s device as a result of electric surges, security breaches, viruses, hacking, or other malfunctions or hazards.
  • Library staff can provide general information or handouts for connecting a user’s device to the Library’s wireless network, but should not be expected to troubleshoot problems related to a wireless device or assist in making changes to a device’s network settings and/or hardware configurations.
  • Users should be prepared to rely on battery power to use their own electronic devices. Users are not permitted to plug their electronic devices into a power outlet if it would cause an aisle, exit, or another user’s access to Library materials to be blocked.
  • Public computers in the Children’s Room at the Main Library and the Children’s Area at the Byram Shubert Branch Library are reserved solely for use by children age 12 and under.
  • Public computers in the Teen area of the Main Library and the Byram Shubert Branch Library are reserved for use by those from ages 13 through 18 when Greenwich schools are not in session. Adults may use the public computers in such areas when Greenwich schools are in
  • Users are required to use earbuds or sound-muffling headphones or mute the sound function to avoid disturbing others. Earbuds may be purchased from Library staff (although available inventory at any particular time cannot be guaranteed).
  • Time permitting, Library staff will try to assist users with basic computer-related questions or problem The Library staff should not be expected to offer extensive explanations or provide in-depth training to users.

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