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The interactive network of Bloomberg Financial Markets offers up-to-date pricing information, history, data, analytics, and multimedia news. A generous gift of Bloomberg, L.P. Make a same-day or next-day one-hour appointment at the Bloomberg Terminal with our easy-to-use online form. Located on the first floor near the business periodicals.
This database contains historical information on 80,000 defunct public stocks and a chronological record of a security, as well as details of the actions which made it obsolete. Entries briefly summarize the nature and date of the change. The information is accompanied by the present company name (if any) and whether any stockholder equity remains. Each entry includes a summary of capital changes.
First choose “Auto Login” from the top-left menu. Then choose “Library Reference” from the top-left menu. Don’t forget to click the logout button when you are finished.
*In library access only
This new online version includes a wealth of new information and features in addition to the comprehensive database of 80,000 grantmakers and half a million grants. A new, unique Professional tool, 990 Search, allows you to search across the text of our entire database of over 230,000 IRS 990s for private foundations, community foundations, grant-making public charities, and exclusive funder portfolios.
*In library access only
Contains detailed company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports, thousands of company histories and industry essays as well as full-text of scholarly journals and business news.
GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. We gather and provide access to the most comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate nonprofit information available. Our mission is to revolutionize philanthropy by providing information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving. GuideStar is a 501(c)(3) public charity.
Full-text coverage of The Wall Street Journal from 1889 – 1998.
Includes detailed analyst opinions of stocks, mutual funds and exchange traded funds. Find a stock or fund to meet your needs, research current or prospective holdings, or see how your investments fit together.
Plunkett Research Online offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics, market research, and corporate profiles.
Choose Business Listings for information on more than 14 million U.S. businesses; search by company name, business type, sales volume, and more. Choose Residential Listings for information on over 135 million households; search by name, address, median home income, and more.
A comprehensive source of business, company, industry, and investment information. Look up stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
*In library access only
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
The Value Line Research Center includes online access to Value Line’s leading publications covering stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities as well as special situation stocks. Look under the “quick links” to get started.
Brainfuse JobNow is an innovative service for Greenwich Library cardholders that features expert resume assistance, live interview preparation, career assessments and resources, and more.
Video courses are the fastest and easiest way to learn how to use a computer. Use the materials in this center to learn the basics of computers, from searching the Internet to using popular programs for word processing, creating spreadsheets and databases, implementing design, and more. Skill level goes beyond basic to advanced.
LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as, is an online educational site that features thousands of courses and video tutorials where you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests. Users will need to create accounts in order to track course progress, create playlists of potential coursework, and keep course notes.
Patrons should refer to LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy and Website Use Policy before starting.
Get detailed information on more than 1,100 occupations. Find careers that match your skills and interests. Access millions of current job and internship postings. Create professional resumes and cover letters, master interviewing and networking techniques, and more. Job & Career Accelerator is your guide to getting hired. What are you waiting for – get started now!
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to full-text education literature and resources.
LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as, is an online educational site that features thousands of courses and video tutorials where you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests. Users will need to create accounts in order to track course progress, create playlists of potential coursework, and keep course notes.
Patrons should refer to LinkedIn’s Privacy Policy and Website Use Policy before starting.
Primary Search provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for research for elementary school students and their teachers.
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles. This database also contains more than 200 educational reports.
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
Provides family historians access to more than 400 million records spanning the U.S. and beyond, including one of the most extensive online collections of early American records, and the largest searchable collection of published genealogical research journals and magazines. Special strengths include English, New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont), New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia materials.
*In Library access only
Trace your family’s history through one simple search of more than 500 million names. Key collections include U.S. Federal Census images and indexes from 1790-1930, historical maps, and much more.
*In Library access only
Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.
*In library access only
General Research
Ratings and recommendations on thousands of products and services in categories including appliances, cars, electronics and computers, home and garden, health and fitness, babies and kids, food, personal finance, and travel. Also includes selections from the latest issue of Consumer Reports and a searchable archive of the past four years.
This electronic version of the print dictionary includes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics.
A multi-disciplinary database providing full text and indexing & abstracting for more than 12,000 total publications. Coverage encompasses all aspects of academic study and general interest subject areas.
Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database contains full text for nearly 500 popular high school magazines. It provides more than 360 full-text reference books, 85,670 biographies, and over 107,000 primary source documents.
NewsBank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues.
Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.
ConsumerLab provides test results and information to help consumers evaluate health, wellness, and nutrition products including vitamins, minerals and supplements, sports and energy products, and more.
*In Library access only
Health & Wellness Resource Center offers up-to-date reference material as well as full-text magazines, journals, and pamphlets from a wide variety of authoritative medical sources.
It contains pages of carefully selected links to Web resources including dictionaries, directories, organizations, news sources and health topics.
History & Biography
Offers in-depth, original profiles, plus periodicals coverage, full-text articles, page images, and abstracts of interviews, essays, book reviews, performance reviews, speeches, or obituaries.
These locally curated collections feature historical photographs and postcards, the Greenwich Newspaper Index, and Greenwich Magazine Index.
Full text from more than 1,620 reference books, encyclopedias, and non-fiction books, cover-to-cover full text for more than 150 leading history periodicals, nearly 57,000 historical documents, more than 78,000 biographies of historical figures, more than 113,000 historical photos and maps, and more than 80 hours of historical video.
Language Learning
Learn a new language with this interactive database that provides step-by-step lesson plans for 71 different languages. This database features ESL lessons speakers of 21 different languages.
Providing exclusive online full text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, Legal Information Reference Center contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms.
Literature & Books
NoveList Plus is an online readers’ advisory tool that helps readers find new fiction and nonfiction titles based on books they’ve already read or topics in which they are interested. Readers can look for books about particular subjects, relationships, geographic areas, or periods of time. Book reviews are also available.
OCLC catalog of books, web resources, and other material worldwide.
*In library access only
A general interest database that integrates a variety of sources in one interface. Use Gale General OneFile to find articles from newspapers, reference books, and periodicals, many with full-text and images.
The Greenwich Magazine Index includes articles as well as marriage and obituary notices published in Greenwich Magazine, Nutmegger, Greenwich Nutmegger, Greenwich Review, and Greenwich Social Review. All referenced articles from 1966 – the present are available in bound form at the Library.
Full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Covering virtually every subject area of general interest, MasterFILE Premier also contains full text for nearly 500 reference books and over 164,400 primary source documents, as well as an Image Collection of over 592,000 photos, maps & flags.
Middle Search Plus provides full text for more than 140 popular, middle school magazines.
Full-text articles with searchable access to the entire run of National Geographic magazine from 1884 to the most current issue. Includes full articles, photographs, maps and videos; every page of every issue. Also includes National Geographic Kids and National Geographic: People, Animals and the World. Accessible remotely with Greenwich Library card.
A comprehensive Spanish-language resource offering 49,000 encyclopedia entries, 50,000 images, 2,500 health reports, a Spanish-English dictionary, and the full text of over 100 hundred reference books and dozens of general interest magazines in a broad array of subject areas.
Contains information on instruments, music, and musicians, including guides to different periods and styles.
*Sign In Using Your Library Card
Full-text searchable articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from current and archived issues of Connecticut Post, Greenwich Citizen, Greenwich Post and Greenwich Time.
The Greenwich Newspaper Index is a guide to newspaper articles of local interest, marriages, and obituaries found in the Greenwich Time, Greenwich News, Greenwich Graphic, Greenwich News and Graphic, and the Greenwich Observer, from 1877 – 2012. All referenced articles are available in the Library either in hard copy or on microfilm.
(Coverage 1992 – current)
ProQuest Historical Black Newspapers offer essential primary source content and editorial perspectives of the most distinguished African American newspapers in the U.S. Each of the ten Historical Black Newspapers provides researchers with unprecedented access to perspectives and information that was excluded or marginalized in mainstream sources. The content, including articles, obituaries, photos, editorials, and more, is easily accessible for scholars in the study of the history of race relations, journalism, local and national politics, education, African American studies, and many multidisciplinary subjects. Examine major movements from the Harlem Renaissance to Civil Rights, and explore everyday life as written in the Chicago Defender, The Baltimore Afro-American, New York Amsterdam News, Pittsburgh Courier, Los Angeles Sentinel, Atlanta Daily World, The Norfolk Journal and Guide, The Philadelphia Tribune, Cleveland Call and Post, and Michigan Chronicle.
Full-text searchable articles on local news, issues, events, people and much more from archived issues of Greenwich News, Greenwich Observer, and Greenwich Time.
Greenwich News (1906 – 1928)
Greenwich Observer (1877 – 1883)
Greenwich Time (1881 – 1954)
Full-text coverage of The Hartford Courant from 1764 – 1922.
Full-text coverage of several major newspapers including The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post from 1849 – 2018.
Full-text coverage of The Wall Street Journal from 1889 – 1998.
Full-text coverage of The Washington Post from 1877 – 2005.
Enjoy complimentary digital access to The New York Times online when you’re at the Library.
- Register or Log In to Enjoy the New York Times *In Library access only
This database provides a comprehensive collection of the world’s major news content and includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines. Includes full text for more than 1,200 newspapers. Detailed descriptions of sources can be found here.
This database contains full-text articles from five major newspapers: Chicago Tribune (1985-Present), The New York Times (1980-Present), The Los Angeles Times (1985-Present), Wall Street Journal (1987-Present), and The Washington Post (1987-Present).
Full-text coverage of The Wall Street Journal from 1984 – present.
Full-text coverage of The Washington Post from 1987 – present.
Scholarly Journals
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. PDF back files to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
JSTOR is an archival collection of scholarly journal articles. The collection covers the arts, biological sciences, and life science. Specific subjects in the Arts collection include language, literature, folklore, religion, and art history. The Sciences collection contains articles on mathematics, ecology plant and animal sciences, and much more.
Full text for nearly 640 science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, etc.