Quick Guide to LinkedIn Learning

For Online Skillbuilding Courses
You will need your Greenwich Library card number and PIN.
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  • Go to the Digital Library page on the Greenwich Library website to begin.
  • Select LinkedIn Learning access under the Digital Learning section and click ‘Get Started.’ 
  • When prompted enter your Library card number and PIN. 

App Install

  1. Install the free LinkedIn Learning app from the Apple App store (iPhone/iPad) or Google Play store (Samsung, Android Devices).
  2. Select “Sign In.”
  3. Select the “Sign In With Your Library Card.” link.
  4. Add greenwichlibrary as your Library ID to the end of linkedin.com/learning-login/go/.
  5. Select “Continue.”
  6. Enter your Library card number (no spaces, typically 14 digits beginning in 21117).
  7. Enter your Library card PIN (4-digit number) and press “Continue.”

Browsing & Learning

  1. To locate a specific subject, use the search field to search skills, subjects, or software.
  2. To browse, click the Browse menu to the left of the search field and look at the lists of popular and featured categories. Tap on whatever interests you.
  3. Once you find a program of interest, click on the title and begin learning!
  4. To save a program, click the bookmark in the upper right corner of the program OR select the + to add it to a collection of similar programs. Collections are folders to organize your learning.
  5. When watching a course, select the upper left contents tab to see the agenda for that program.
  6. Want to master a skill? Select Learning Path in your search results to follow a predetermined outline of beginner to more advanced programs and earn a certificate!